‘This album blows my mind‘ - Weathered Music

‘An electronic masterpiece’ - The Record Stache

Sentinel is a critically acclaimed electro-pop album from musician Richard Evans, telling a story of humanity at a tipping point and a world trapped in a climate crisis.

This is Richard’s first solo release and he states: ‘Sentinel is an electro-pop concept album. It’s important that art has something to say about the world we live in and there is no bigger issue than climate change. The album is my take on the different facets of the subject  - from the impact of micro-plastics to the paranoia of COVID, all in a pop package.’

The songs were recorded during the COVID lockdowns and blend analogue synths and sequences with melodic hooks and drum machine rhythms. The album, developed with support from Arts Council England, is mixed by award-winning sound artist Hervé Girardin.

Sentinel is available now on all major streaming platforms.