‘A stand out musical event’ - State of the Arts

Developed with support from Arts Council England and Creative UK, Sentinel is written and performed by Richard Evans. The show has been performed to thousands of people around the country at festivals including Manchester Science Festival, Art Futura in London, EnableUS in Sheffield and Light Night Leeds.

The Sentinel live show features a pulsating electro-pop soundtrack synced with lighting effects and specially created visuals - including climate data animations from award-winning artist Valentina D’efilippo and dramatised environmental newsbreaks - in a compelling show that resonates with the call for action from millions around the globe.

The production takes an overview of the subject from the vantage point of a fictional climate satellite - SENTINEL. Each composition explores a different aspect of the climate change scenario.

Themes such as temperature and sea level rises, biodiversity loss and overpopulation are interwoven to reveal a larger picture - that of humanity as a species at an evolutionary tipping point in a world changing beyond our control.